This page is dedicated to those beloved friends who have gone before us to a place like no others. A place where they can now play and romp with freedom they have never known, and we know that someday they will greet us at that place in the way we know only a beloved boxer friend can, The Rainbow Bridge. We know in our heart of hearts that they gave us EVERYTHING they knew while they shared our homes, our lives, our laps and our love. It is with a heavy heart that I create this page, but to those of you who have ever loved a boxer, you will understand that they will live on...FOREVER!


Calypso's Royale Image
10/11/89 - 02/04/01
Owned and loved by Lee Mitchell

You were the first, the one who made me want another. The one to make people ask, "Why...do you want another?" You were the one who taught me how to have patience and not to bother with the little things. The one who helped me open my heart and home to others, who, like you, had so much to give. You were everyone's mother and made me love Boxers above all others. As I pick up your food bowls again, I think of you as the others go about their day. Wait for me Caly, there will be no other who will love me the way you did.

Affectionately penned by Lee.


Orrkid's That Girl
03/20/92 - 9/25/02
Owned and loved by
Steve and Sandy Orr

Marlo was not an AKC champion - only a champion to those of us who knew and loved her. She didn't like the show ring so we kept her home where she felt safe - she guarded our house and those she loved. She was Krissy's nanny - taking care of her and teaching her the ropes. She loved our grandchildren - following them around and giving them endless kisses. She loved nothing more than being next to those of us she cared for. She was our Queen and she will be missed.


Am. Champion Loretta's Special Joy
03/25/91 - 12/23/02
Owned and loved by
Loretta and Pat Phillips

Spencer would have been 12 in March and as you all know, he lived life to the fullest. He held on tight to that magnificent Boxer dignity and his loyal devotion to us - right up to the end. He will never really leave our hearts or minds, or his beloved new home at the lake. He was so happy there with us and his loyal subjects - riding in the boat, sprinting across the fields like a pup - every day, rain or shine.

The Old Man, Old Buzzard Breath, Spencie, Penny Man, Penny Boy, Spencer Doodle and most important - Am. Champion Loretta's Special Joy - he lived up to all of his many titles. The Gentle Giant with his puppies, tough Alpha with his peers, beautiful show dog, therapy dog, little Jessica's soul mate and protector - he'll be remembered for the wonderfully versatile dog that he was.

Special - such an appropriate word for who he was - and believe me - he was all that.

Written lovingly by Loretta Phillips.


- 1/16/05
Owned and loved by
Shelly and Jeff Staats

Though Jackson might not have been the most wonderful dog in the world to his previous owner, he was to me and my family. When we adopted Jackson, it was initially not a plan of mine, rather my husband's. My thoughts were "who wants a big slobbery dog that comes with obvious baggage?"

Then we met Jackson...so he had his downfalls, food aggression, dog aggression, the ability to find chocolate in the house no matter where I had put it. But the good things about Jackson exceed them all by far. He was loyal and loving and always listened even if he didn't want to. He was absolutely wonderful with our baby son, more tolerant than I would have been if I were him. He tried to teach his four legged sister some manners, but it never seemed to work. He was a gentleman, always letting you walk through doors first, if he had hands rather than paws I know he would have held the door for me.

The last 2 years of his life he faded fast. No more walks, no more playing fetch, no more jumping on the beds or couches. But if it weren't for that dog, I wouldn't be where I am today. I know it sounds silly, but if it weren't for that dog, I wouldn't have become a foster mom, giving other dogs that had been down the same road he had a second chance. I wouldn't have the circle of friends I have now. I wouldn't have experienced what it feels like to be loved genuinely, loved unconditionally by a Boxer.

A year or so after I adopted Jackson I saw this saying and I have it framed in my computer room at home. Whenever I look at it I think of him...

He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion. -Anonymous

Run free my sweet boy, I love you and miss you and I hope you wait for me, I'll be looking for you. And please forgive me for assisting you to the Bridge, but your soul and spirit was more dignified than what your physical body had become.

Affectionately written by Shelly



R-Dans Olympic Star
9/25/96 - 11/27/06
Loved by Sandy & Steve Orr

We bought Allie home when she was 10 weeks old.  I remember flying with her in a Sherpa bag - she never made a peep on the plane and no one ever guessed that I had a puppy in this bag.  We had several delays so Allie and I had bonded by the time we got home.  When she came out of the bag, she gave Steve a big  hug - she knew she was home.

Allie and I went to quite a few shows but plain wasn't so popular then - the best we did was to get 2 points at a show and a couple of major reserves.   That was OK though - Allie didn't know she was "plain" and many other exhibitors told us she indeed was beautiful.

Allie was a lady - she was dignified but playful and I loved her dearly.  In August of 2005, she was diagnosed with a mass on her 6th cervical vertebrae.  We did not remove the mass but put her on prednisone.  We celebrated her 10th birthday on 9/25/06 - one we thought we would never see.  After deteriorating rapidly one weekend, we let her go peacefully on November 27, 2006.  Our beautiful "plain" lady.

Fun Photos

Lost Dog? Find out what to do here

Q and A about the Boxer

Rainbow Bridge - A Tribute to our Boxers of the past

Thinking About Breeding?


Links to information on other sites

American Boxer Club

Articles of Interest

Boxer Standard


Health/Testing Information

Meet the Boxer



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