Missouri Valley Boxer Club
Friday, July 18, 2008
Judge: Linda Abel
8 in
the Sweepstakes
Best Puppy in Sweepstakes - KP-Burlwood's
Paralyzer - Owner: Keri Paulson - Handler: Rhonda Nickels

Best Junior in Sweepstakes, Grand Sweepstakes
Winner - Happy Tail's & Illyrian's Truth or Dare - Owner:
Nicole Logan & Gail Kloecker - Handler: Gail Kloecker

Judge: Bruce Voran
8 dogs (1 point), 15 bitches (2 points), 2 BOB (1,1)
1 Veteran Bitch
Winners Dog
- Butler's Big Shot � Owner: Keri Paulson & Tina & Robert
Butler - Handler: Rhonda Nickels

Reserve Dog - Trademark's Working Class Hero - Owner: Phyllis
Farrington & Christine Renard - Hander: ?
Winners Bitch, Best of Winners -
Candy Kisses Forever Cinergy �
Owner: Terri Houston & Cindy Knox & Carrie Rainey � Handler: Cindy Knox

Reserve Bitch -
Echo Bay's
IPO of Maximus �
Owner: Shelly Staats � Handler: Melvin Mobley
of Breed -
Ch. Ravenoak's Calalily of Xcel
(from the veteran bitch class) � Owner: Lee Mitchell & Loretta
Phillips � Handler: Lee Mitchell

of Opposite -
Ch. Illyrian's Trilogy
� Owner: Nicole Logan & Gail Kloecker �
Handler: Gail Kloecker
Best Puppy in Specialty - KP-Burlwood's Shut Up N'
Drive - Owner: Keri Paulson - Handler: Rhonda Nickels

Our Trophy Table

The following picture of our trophy table was taken by Charlie Jones.

Nebraska Kennel Club
Agility Trial
Friday, July 18 & Saturday, July 19
Randi, OAP, OJP

Randi, with owner Toni Lootens,
had two qualifying scores in the FAST Novice Preferred class. 2nd place
on Friday and 1st place on Saturday. Also a qualifying score and 1st
place on Friday in the Standard Open Preferred class which gave Randi
her Open Preferred title. WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!
Nebraska Kennel Club
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Judge: Wynoma Clouss, 9 dogs (1 point), 12 bitches
(1 point), 2 BOB (0,2)
Dog, Best of Opposite - Butler's Big
Shot - Owner: Kari Paulson & Tina & Robert Butler - Handler: Rhonda Nickels
Dog - Glo-Star's Dream It My Way - Owner: Anusart Interateth & Apichal
Anantrechan - Hander: Rhonda Nickels
Winners Bitch, Best of Winners - Ladi Luck's Eternal Magic - Owner:
Shelli McGregor - Handler: Shelli McGregor
Reserve Bitch - Echo Bays Day Trader of Maximus - Owner: Lee Mitchell &
Melvin Mobley - Handler: Lee Mitchell
Best of Breed - Ch. Trademark's Booming With Pride - Owner: Phyllis
Farmington & Christine Renard - Handler: Rhonda Nickels
Nebraska Kennel Club
MVBC Designated Specialty
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Judge: Judy Voran, 8 dogs (1 point), 13 bitches
(2 points), 2 BOB (1,1)
Dog - Glo-Star's Dream It My Way - Owner: Anusart Interateth & Apichal
Anantrechan - Hander: Rhonda Nickels
Dog - Butler's Big Shot - Owner:
Kari Paulson & Tina & Robert Butler - Handler: Rhonda Nickels
Winners Bitch, Best of Winners - Victory's Rayna of Fire - Owner: Scott & Annette
Cooper - Handler: Savannah Hulstein
Reserve Bitch -
Echo Bay's
IPO of Maximus �
Owner: Shelly Staats � Handler: Melvin Mobley
Best of Breed -
Ch. Trademark's Booming With Pride - Owner: Phyllis Farmington &
Christine Renard - Handler: Rhonda Nickels
Best of
Opposite - Ch. Illyrian's Trilogy
� Owner: Nicole Logan & Gail Kloecker �
Handler: Gail Kloecker