November 2004 Rescue Parade

- Bailey is the picture of health and happiness now, but that wasn't the case when she entered rescue back in April. Bailey was picked up stray by a shelter in Southwest Missouri with a horrible case of mange. Due to the severity of her mange, it was more than probable that she would have been euthanized. The local rescue groups were full, so our group took her in. Her mange was so severe that about 75% of her hair was missing, she was depressed and lethargic and when the vet put the tourniquet on to draw blood, her paw started bleeding. Bailey quickly won the hearts of all those at the vet clinic. The attending vet said she was probably the sweetest Boxer he had ever treated. Once they started Bailey on her medication, she began improving immediately. Within a couple of weeks she looked like a new girl. In her foster home, Bailey was the ultimate clown, alternating between ornery and hilarious behavior. Bailey found her forever home quite by accident. Her foster home was going out of town for the weekend and asked a former adopting family to babysit Bailey. Well, that was about three months ago and Bailey never left!!! It didn't take Bailey long to win the entire family over and make herself at home. We couldn't be happier for Bailey and her family who have become great supporters and friends of Boxer Rescue!!

- Riley came to us at the tender age of just 10 months, along with his companion Chiqua who was just one year old. Riley and his family had moved to Nebraska from Washington State and shortly after arriving, purchased Chiqua as a breeding partner for Riley. Luckily for us (and Riley and Chiqua) the family soon found themselves forced to move again and unable to take both dogs. Riley came to us a little on the thin side, a little timid, but oh so sweet and loving. He was so sweet and loving that he almost never left his foster home!! Riley was adopted by a very nice family, but they just did not understand Riley's needs. He came back to rescue and a very short time later found the family of his dreams. Riley joined Molly, an older Boxer girl who he just adores, two active little boys and a great mom and dad. Riley's mom is active in Paws for Friendship, a local pet therapy group that visits nursing homes, hospitals, etc. This is a job that Riley will excel at!! Thanks to Jeff and Jennifer Murnane for giving this guy the loving home he deserves.

- What a lady Turtle is!! Turtle was picked up stray on a very busy street and never claimed. It was pretty obvious from her condition upon entering rescue that she had spent the majority of her short life producing puppies. She was thin and had a large tumor on her back leg that upon removal proved to be cancerous and required a second surgery. Turtle was also spayed and proved to be an exceptionally good girl while in foster care. Nothing bothered this girl. Other than a little bit of crate anxiety, she was an absolute angel and adored the two Boxer boys in her foster home. It's amazing what a little bit of love and some quality food will do for a dog. In a matter of a couple of weeks, Turtle looked like a different dog. She looked healthy and exuded confidence and happiness. Turtle is one dog that never left her foster home. She was such a gem, they just could not part with her, but we didn't let that foster home totally get away from us. Darci and Greg are also volunteering for us now, helping us with home visits and public events!!!

- Rudy was a sad little boy when he entered rescue. He was just a youngster too, less than one year old. He was purchased from a pet store and his owners had no clue about Boxers, housetraining or the health of Rudy!! He came to us thin, covered in filth and suffering from demodetic mange. Rudy quickly blossomed into the happy, energetic and loving pet we knew was lurking under that sad face. Prior to entering rescue, Rudy had spent the majority of his time in a crate because his owner could not housetrain him. You can probably imagine where the "filth" came from!!! Rudy was a quick learner in his foster home and had only a handful of accidents. He was neutered and his mange was under control and in no time he went from an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan!! Rudy was another one that almost never left his foster home. I should probably mention that Rudy and Riley were fostered by the same couple. They don't normally want to keep every Boxer that comes across their door, but occasionally you have a dog (or two) that makes such an impression on you it's hard to let go. Thanks to Pat & Loretta Phillips for fostering these guys and all they do for rescue. Also, thanks to Brent and Julie who adopted Rudy and still allow Pat & Loretta visitation rights. Rudy joined two other Boxers in his new home and quickly became one of the "pack".

Excite was purchased for all the wrong reasons. Her owner's marriage was failing, so he purchased a cute puppy thinking it would make his family feel good and be happy. Instead it had the exact opposite affect, causing his wife to toss the husband and puppy out. Luckily for Excite, her owner realized that he could not care for this crazy, wild puppy and he surrendered her to Boxer Rescue. Upon entering rescue, Excite was out of control and was in serious need of Doggy Boot Camp. In no time at all, she was learning house manners, the fine art of housetraining and crate training. Through out networking with other rescue groups within Midwest Boxer Rescue, Excite found the perfect adoptive home.

- First, Sam has asked me to set the record straight. He's not F-A-T, he's just big boned. No, seriously, Sam's thyroid is a little on the low side. Now, on to Sam's story, it's one of sadness and joy. He was surrendered to his veterinarian earlier this year in the prime of his life at 6 � years old. Ironically, the same vet had been trying to convince his owner to surrender Sam to Boxer rescue for about a year. Sam's owner had told the vet that she really didn't love him and had never bonded with him. Only after Sam presented a head tilt, unsteady gait and stroke like symptoms did she decide to get rid of him. She didn't even care enough about this dog to authorize the vet to do any diagnostic work to figure out what was wrong with Sam. She just dropped him off and walked away. After the vet's office contacted us, we said we would take him and asked them to get to work figuring out what was wrong with him. There was nothing obviously wrong with Sam, no tumors, his bloodwork was fine, so we started him on a large dose of antibiotics and small dose of prednizone. Three weeks later he was weaned off the prednizone and he's been the picture of health ever since. Sam's foster home had lost their male Boxer about a year earlier. They hadn't been looking for another Boxer, or looking to replace him, but fate has a way of giving us just what we need and Sam turned out to be just what his foster home needed. This dog who had not been loved and cherished before, found a home that accepted him for what he was�.A funny, loving, easy going, happy go lucky guy who doesn't ask for much, just a full food bowl, a good ear rubbing (at least every night) and a soft couch to sleep on. If you hadn't guessed yet, Sam is my dog and he is a true testament to the Boxer breed and the senior in need! He helped remind me and my family about unconditional love, living each moment to its fullest and acceptance. Whether we have four more months or four more years with Sam, they will be years that my family will treasure.



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